Principles of the Cheng Man-Ch’ing Simplified Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan
Five Basic Principles:
(Represented with the Acronym BURST)
Straight relaxed wrists
No tension in arms, wrists or fingers
U: Upright Body
Coccyx tucks in slightly to straighten lower back
Imagine that tail bone is if pulled down with weight
Chin turns slightly down
Top of head is pulled up as if lifted with a string
Lower body is pulled down to the ground with gravity
Upper body floats loose and free as if suspended
R: Relax
Be aware of and let go of any tension in the body
This is the pivotal principle in Tai Chi
S: Separate the Weight
Weight not to be distributed evenly on both legs
One leg is ‘Substantial’ and the other is ‘Insubstantial’
(Except for in the Preparation Posture)
T: Turn the Waist
Never move the body independently of the hips/waist
All movements come from the hips/waist
Move from the hips/waist
Power comes from the legs
Is controlled by the waist/hips
Is expressed through the fingers
Additional Concepts:
Softness (Yielding)
Water is the softest element in the universe yet unstoppable. Soft always overcomes the hard
Momentate (Made up verb)
Momentum from one movement leads into the next
Movements always flow from the previous movement
In essence; Only one movement from start to finish
Silk Reeling
Movements are steady with no break between postures Like pulling silk from a cocoon
Natural Breathing (as opposed to reverse breathing)
Breathe through the nose
Tongue lightly touching upper palette
Breathe like a little child
Abdomen expands when inhaling
Abdomen contracts when exhaling
Additional inhalation into the back of the lungs
Allow chest to sink
Weight falls naturally with gravity to the ground
Imagine you are being rooted to the ground through feet
Swimming in Air
Air has substance which you will feel as you relax
Tai Chi is like swimming in air
Version 12/13/2006 Soft Answer Tai Chi – Instructor Sean Carney –
These principles are good to remember while practicing. Thanks, Jae